Project profile
Arclin manufactures and markets building and construction products, and serves customers worldwide. It has 10+ manufacturing sites in North America including a large production facility in Cobourg, ON. Arclin was investigated by the town of Cobourg for being out of compliance due to a recent wastewater discharge, and Altech was hired to conduct a critical review of production and a detailed wastewater assessment to reduce pollution and ensure compliance.
Altech’s scope of work for Arclin included:
-Characterizing the wastewater effluent after the existing primary treatment system through sample collection analysis
-Identify solutions to minimize and reduce wastewater concentrations
-Develop the options for pollution prevention and contamination control
-Provide a conceptual assessment of a treatment system including physical/chemical treatment in addition to biological treatment to meet the Town’s Bylaws
– Include new conceptual equipment design and budget
Arclin was delivered an in-depth engineering report from water/wastewater treatment experts that provided recommended pollution prevention techniques to implement, how to optimize their wastwater pretreatment system, and a full-scale downstream wastewater treatment system which allowed for the reuse of water on-site. Arclin has since implemented many of these changes and is undergoing upgrades to their wastewater treatment system to reduce pollution and maintain compliance with the region.
Decarbonizing for a Circular Economy through Advanced Design, Technology & Environmental Services.
Main Office
Morneau Shepell Centre II, 895 Don Mills Road, Suite 400, Toronto, ON M3C 1W3
Phone: 1-800-323-4937
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