We have the ability to complete facility-wide energy assessments, as well as targeted feasibility studies. In every project, we look for both energy savings and production efficiencies which translate into lower energy per unit cost.
With every assessment, we offer our proprietary software program, E2 Action, to help you continue to track energy consumption. E2 Action is an easy-to-use tool that tracks energy consumption with production to determine a valuable calculation on energy efficiency.
In-Plant Assessments
We offer complete energy audits and evaluations of energy use and efficiency opportunities for both electrical and fuel-based savings (natural gas, fuel oils and alternative fuels) including:
- Boiler, steam and hot water system evaluations.
- Refrigeration and cooling system
- Air compressor balancing and optimization.
- Power factor and load factor
- Plant Air Balancingand HVAC
- Electrical and gas metering studies.
- Design and installation of monitoring equipment and software.
Design/Build Energy Upgrades
Scoping and assessment of implementation requirements for energy upgrades including conceptual design and capital requirements.
- Detailed engineering for installation/integration of capital projects.
- Detailed design and commissioning of co-generation projects including turbines, waste heat recovery, biogas collection, etc.
- Construction management, start-up and commissioning.
Monitoring and Targeting (M&T)
We realize it’s often difficult to visualize energy consumption unless it’s metered. For that reason, we offer the turnkey ability to design an M&T program that helps you actually see energy consumption. Then we install the equipment, commission the system, and provide software to manage the data to help you to make changes to save money.
Examples of M&T programs include:
- Base line monitoring of energy into the facility and sub metering to measure energy used by production departments. This allows for charge backs to the department for full cost accounting for the activities of the department. This can encourage energy conservation by department.
- In high energy, but seasonal operations (e.g. vegetable processing), sub-metering to monitor sub components of production and to make immediate changes to energy consumption that exceeds pre-determined targets.
- Sub-metering of automated lines used for multiple products to determine which line is more efficient for specific products.
- Metering to monitor zones of large production equipment (e.g. commercial ovens) to optimize zonal consumption (e.g. temperature), while still maintaining quality.
- Metering commercial refrigeration systems to drive them to meet temperature requirements during periods of lower electrical cost, avoiding peak demand rates.