Following the recent decision by the Supreme Court of Canada that federal carbon pricing is constitutional, the federal government stated that it would switch Ontario to the Emission Performance Standard (EPS) regulation as of January 01st, 2022. Ontario’s Output Based Pricing System (OBPS), that covered manufacturing facilities, will transition into the EPS for the 2022 compliance year.
While the EPS registration is mandatory for manufacturing facilities emitting over 50k tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) there is an opportunity for facilities emitting between 10k and 50k tonnes CO2e to opt-in to EPS program.
As Canada and the world is moving toward the low carbon economy and net zero carbon emissions it is very important to move fast and understand the implications of these new regulations.
During this noon-hour webinar you will learn the following:
1. The new EPS regimen and opt in requirements.
2. Canada’s path toward net-zero carbon emissions and its impacts on your organization.
3. How to take advantage of the EPS program with an example of an Ontario-based industrial facility that projects a financial benefit of more than $2 million per year over 10 years by opting into the EPS program.
This webinar is designed for company owners, managers, and environmental staff of Ontario industrial facilities.